Can you provide a URL for where this is happening? It will help us to
debug the problem.


On 5/11/07, browntown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the replies...I've tried every variation provided on the
using jquery with other libraries page...still no dice.

I still receive the following error:
jQuery(document).ready is not a function
[Break on this error] jQuery(document).ready(function($){

On May 10, 11:25 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Maybe try setting an arbitrary variable, like the example in the
> documentation (
> Using_jQuery_with_Other_Libraries, copy and pasted below)
> <html>
>  <head>
>    <script src="prototype.js"></script>
>    <script src="jquery.js"></script>
>    <script>
>      var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
>      // Use jQuery via $j(...)
>      $j(document).ready(function(){
>        $j("div").hide();
>      });
>      // Use Prototype with $(...), etc.
>      $('someid').style.display = 'none';
>    </script>
>  </head>
>  <body></body>
>  </html>
> On May 9, 12:48 pm, browntown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm currently trying to implement some jQuery functionality into a
> > site that is using other libraries: prototype and YUI to name a few.
> > I'm having problems getting my jquery code to execute properly. I've
> > read the documentation on but i'm still receiving the error
> > message: "jQuery(document).ready is not a function".
> > If I remove the js file that loads the other libraries the code
> > executes fine. Unfortunately, this other js file is required and must
> > remain in the equation.
> > My code looks like this:
> > <code>
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> >                 jQuery.noConflict();
> >                 jQuery(document).ready(
> >                         function()
> >                                 {
> >                                         $("#header").click(
> >                                                 function()
> >                                                         {
> >                                                                 
> >                                                         }
> >                                         );
> >                                 }
> >                 );
> >         </script>
> > </code>
> > The part that really confuses me is that certain jquery functionality
> > works fine. I can change css properties, get widths and heights of
> > elements...but other document.ready() don't work.
> > Can anyone clear this up for me?

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