There's more to the story than this, however. The jQuery ready()
implementation was very very different in June of 2006 (hence the
problems with script elements). I think the reason why Swfobject
causes problems is that it's not coded very well - hence the reason
for a jQuery Flash plugin. Is there any specific reason that you're
choosing not to use it?


On 5/13/07, pd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Sam

Thanks for your offer of help.

Thankfully my colleague and I have solved the nightmare.

We recently abandoned the jQuery Flash plugin and implemented
swfobject instead. Thanks to luckily searching and finding a thread
on .ready() issues and from June 2006 I noticed script tags in the
body were suspected to cause issues with jQuery's .ready() method.

The solution? Instantiating swfobject after the last body element, not
immediately after the element it is trying to replace.

Moral of the story? Beware when mixing jQuery .ready() and <script>
tags in the body of your document.

On May 14, 10:57 am, "Sam Sherlock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> two suggestions
>    1. try making an isolated test with just the zebra table
>    2. try using an uncompressed jquery file
> when I first loaded the page in opera it did not stripe the table, then
> after reloading it did
> sorry to not be able to offer more than just shots in the dark, I have found
> opera is useful debugging ie issues (I think suggested by someone on this
> list)
> though in all browsers no errors are reported.
> - S
> On 14/05/07, pd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello
> > The following site uses progressive enhancement to zebra style
> > alternative table rows, centre some text in table cells, reveal JS-
> > only functionality hidden by default in the style sheet, etc etc
> > Unfortunately it appears that the $(document).ready() method we have
> > wrapped all our onload code in, fires inconsistently inside IE6.
> > In IE6 on Windows XP this URL:
> >
> > will not load zebra striping (on the second table), nor perform
> > rollovers - all added with $(document).ready() - even after several
> > reloads whereas this URL:
> >
> > loads zebra striping (on the second table), centre aligns text in
> > columns two and three and sets up rollovers **but** only after one
> > refresh.
> > The relevant files are:
> > CSS defines rollovers and altRow classes:
> >
> > JS file containing $(document).ready() code:
> >
> > I have swfobject onloading the top right Flash animation where clients
> > have Flash 8 or higher. Hence if swfobject can reliably behave onload,
> > it seems the symptoms are jQuery related.
> > Can anyone please help?

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