I would love to see this myself. I've used the cssscripting.com version on a
site already, but I'm not looking forward to the day its IE7 readership gets
high enough to matter. It's totally broken in that browser, and they haven't
touched the code in ages, so I'm guessing it's been abandoned.

On 5/14/07, bohtho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I tried the search but since English is not my native language my
search may have missed previous posts about this.

I was wondering how to do this
or preferably this http://www.mindsack.com/uxe/autoflow/ with jquery.
Point is that I want to automatically flow text in several columns on
my web page (a´la www.iht.com in their 3-column view of articles).

I have pre-ordered the Learning JQuery book but I can´t imagine that
anyone haven´t tried this already with jquery or even made a plugin
for it.

Any tips ?

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