Hi everybody!
I'm trying to create a page that:
 - refreshes every 5 seconds some part of it.
 - if a button is pressed, to post data to a web service.

The problem is that the second ajax request wait until the first
finish, and doesn't run concurrently.

The code i use is this:

function SetOffertaAsta() {
        if (confirm('Sicuro?')) {
            $("div#" + divContenutorePulsanteOfferta).hide();
            ScriviMessaggio('Elaborazione offerta...');
                        url: WebServicePath + 'setOffertaAsta',
                        beforeSend: function () {
                            IsOffering = true;
                        complete: function() {
                            IsOffering = false;
                        global: false,
                        success: function (xml) {
                GetInfoAsta(0, false);
                        data: {
                            IdAsta: idAsta,
                            Valore: ProssimaOfferta
                        timeout: 15000,
                        type: 'POST'

        return false;


function GetInfoAsta(pTimeoutServer, rilancia) {
        url: WebServicePath + 'getInfoAsta',
        async: true,
        error: function () { RichiestaCompleta(0, null, rilancia) },
        success: function (XML) { RichiestaCompleta(1, XML,
rilancia) },
        data: {
            IdAsta: idAsta,
            Timeout: pTimeoutServer
        timeout: 10000,
        type: 'POST'

can anybody help?


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