Jake and Benjamin, thanks for help,

No success with <?xml version="1.0"
encoding="utf-8"?> nor $("root/jquery", response).text()

In the complete callback i get my content with response.responseText right. I'll try to set something online for tomorrow. Mybe i should try with another IE6/another PC.

Anyway i'm happy to hear this can work, i was not sure it could.


Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
the name of the program is 'test' in the root directory of the server... it
sets the header to be text/xml...

inside success, response is the xml tree of the response, not much good for
debugging. If the alert returns '' for the result, I guess there is a
problem. in the complete callback, you can check the response.responseXMLand

do you have a live link??
your code looks like it should, assuming it's actually getting the xml
result you expect..

On 5/15/07, philguillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank you guys.
I still can't manage to parse any XML data with IE6.

True it is cleaner to use dataType : 'xml' and use success, but :

Whith a basic sample, and i checked mime type was really "text/xml"
<?xml version="1.0"?>

        type: "GET",
        url: "/test",
        dataType : 'xml',
        success: function(response){
                        alert("A success="+response);
                        alert("B "+typeof response);
                        alert("C "+$("/root/jquery", response).text());
        } ,
        error: function(o,e1,e2){

On [A] i have "sucess="
On [B] i have "object"
Erro is launched on [C]
==> i suppose object is empty
Works fine on firefox.

Any idea?


Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> Phil, your code says:
> do a get, when it's complete look for rootnode. BUT, what if the
> has no xml, is malformed, or got some other error. You're ignoring all
> possible errors!
> success callback calls back when you have a good result (or pretty good)
> error is called for most errors.
> complete needs to check what it got.
> I think we need more help for complete coding, I posted a ticket with my
> results... IE was not included though!
> http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1145#preview
> On 5/15/07, philguillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I know IE6 (maybe 7) is known to have limited ability to parse XML but
>> it seems it can.
>> After an ajax call, i'd like to parse the xml file like this :
>> $.ajax({
>>         type: "GET",
>>         url: url,
>>         complete: function(response){
>>                 var rootNode = $("/rootNode", response.responseXML);
>>         }
>> });
>> Is there a hack?, is there something specific about the XML file it can
>> parse (ex: no node attributes).
>> Regards,
>> Phil

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