Amen, Rey. I was about to say the same thing. Let's talk about jQuery instead.


Rey Bango wrote:

Guys, please cut this out. Its cluttering up the list for no good reason.


RobG wrote:
Secret wrote:
God is the Intelligent Creator of the Universe.

Who created your god? If god had a creator, she isn't the ultimate
creator and therefore not god.  If god doesn't need a creator, why
does the universe need one?

Characteristics of God: Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence,

Poor god, unable to ever change her mind.  Presumably if god already
knows everything and causes everything to happen, including what will
happen in the future, she can't change her mind because that would
admit she was wrong.  So god either can be wrong and therefore isn't
omnicient, or can't change her own mind and therefore isn't

About the atheist's "Invisible Pink Unicorn:" if she did not create
the Universe, then it is not important to me if she exists or not.

Oh, a straw man argument.  No one knows how the universe came into
existence - the big bang theory is just that, a theory that is waiting
for some better explanation to be put forward.  If you can prove there
is a god, and that god made the universe, then she matters a great
deal.  However, there is no proof that such a god exists, which is why
you call on "faith" to believe in god - there is no proof of her



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