I have been trying hard for some time now to use the equations of <a
href="http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery.easing.php";>easing plugin</a>
in innerfade plugin.

I included the easing plugin JS in page. This is the innerfade
function in which I am using it

$.innerfade.next = function (elements, settings, current, last) {

        if ( settings.animationtype == 'slide' ) {
                $(elements[last]).slideUp(settings.speed, $
        } else if ( settings.animationtype == 'fade' ) {
{duration:settings.speed*2,easing: bounceout});
        } else {
                alert('animationtype must either be \'slide\' or \'fade\'');

but it gives error, bounceout is not defined.
Then I tried to extract the bounceout equation and put it in the
$.innerfade.next function but still the same error. I wonder how do I
achieve this easing effect in this plugin.

Any suggestions please....

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