I've figured out how to get it to work, at least in Firefox
(initialise after the fieldsets have been setup and add a callback),
but would prefer not to have to do it that way if possible.

There are still some issues (the table rendering wrong and navigating

The back button needs to be pressed twice in IE: click Fieldset 2,
then Fieldset 3 - you then need to press back 3 times to get back to
Fieldset 1.

On May 16, 2:06 pm, Sam Collett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am wanting to use thehistoryplugin for a situation where Ajax is
> not used. Like how it works for the tabs plugin. Here is what I have
> so far:http://www.texotela.co.uk/sandbox/historytest/
> The example on the test page (http://stilbuero.de/jquery/history/
> index.html) is only for remote pages, it may be helpful if there was a
> non-Ajax example (like in mine where links added via JavaScript toggle
> the visibility of something else).
> One thing I am not sure how to do is how to handle it when there is no
> hash - e.g. click on 'Fieldset 2' and then press the back button
> (Fieldset 2 is still showing, instead of Fieldset 1).
> Another issue (which is unrelated to thehistoryplugin, but would
> still like to know how to solve) is tables in absolutely positioned
> elements. In Firefox, the table cells are all the same size and the
> text does not fit properly in them (goes over the edge), in IE the
> table goes off the edge of the page (it is 100% of the page width
> rather than the container width (which with no width would hopefully
> just go up to the window edge)).

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