Well thank you all for working so hard on this.  It certainly is a bit

I think I understand the post about standards...maybe you're not
supposed to put a <p> inside a <p>? :p

Anyway, Jake, you're test3 works fine for me on your site and locally,
and that is a perfectly acceptable work around.  So thanks.  I really
was only doing it the other way because I found an example that way in
some blog post.

I think this is something the jquery team might want to look at, seems
like it should be working.  Anyway, thanks again everyone and thanks
for the work arounds.

On May 17, 12:33 am, Bil Corry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matt Vanderpol wrote on 5/16/2007 10:00 PM:
> > A quick search uncovered some discussion around this problem here:
> >http://piecesofrakesh.blogspot.com/2007/02/ies-unknown-runtime-error-...
> For kicks, I tried it in both Standards and Quirks mode, same error with both.
> - Bil

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