jQuery plugins are designed to deal with this situation. See this
section of the plugin authoring page:


Also, this this thread from earlier this evening:


On 5/18/07, DaveG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

According to the Compatibility page
(http://docs.jquery.com/Using_jQuery_with_Other_Libraries) it's possible
to redefine $ to something else to avoid conflicts with Prototype. Thus
all your jQ code will now use "myjQ." prefix rather than "$".

How will this work if you're also using jQ libraries, which are clearly
expecting jQ to be on "$". Is it possible?

Other examples on the page seem to indicate that you can rebind $ from
Prototype to jQ. However the examples all seem to embed jQ code within
.ready -- I'm not sure what significance that has. Why is this critical
-- or do we just need to make sure jQ has loaded? Is binding to a
specfic $ fn done at load time?

I guess, the Conflicts page is not very clear -- I'm happy to
rewrite/add to the page, if someone can help me understand first.

The scenario is that we're working on a fairly large Ruby
implementation, and prototype was the first choice of js library. The
availability of small and quick libraries has made us want to use jQ. So
we'll start to selectively migrate away from Prototype to jQ. Clearly
not going to happen all at once, so for a time we'll be using
Prototype+libraries, and jQ+libraries.

I'm presuming this is doable, since WP is in the process of migrating...

  ~ ~ Dave

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