On 5/20/07, bingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

jQuery.fn.customLoad = function(url){
        return $(this).ajaxStart(function(){
                                $(this).html("<div align=\"center\"><img
loadingAnimation.gif\" /></div>");

As you can see, I am just trying over write load function so that
whenever any div is being loaded, just attach a new div that display
loading animation.

Try this:

jQuery.fn.customLoad = function(url){
   $(this).bind("ajaxStart", function(){
       $(this).html("<div align=\"center\"><img
src=\"/cake2/img/images/loadingAnimation.gif\" /></div>");
   $(this).bind("ajaxStop", function(){
   return $(this).load(url);

I found the unbind necessary to keep ajaxStart from being called a second
time after the element is loaded. I think this may be a bug.

- Richard D. Worth

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