I think the param list is just an associative array.  I google some pages
for ya:


So, you should just calculate the array into a single variable, however you
like.  Then, pass that variable as the second argument to $.post()


On 5/23/07, Tom McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm trying to use $.post, in order to send along parameters via POST.
> I have figured out how to do this properly (like: {title: "some item",
> author: "some author"}, etc.).  However, my list if parameters changes
> based on one variable: "type".  So if the type = b, then let's say
> we'll use the title, author, release_date parameters.  But if the type
> = f, then the parameters might be title, year, actors, etc.  How can I
> make that list of parameters dynamic?  All I need to do is fit a
> switch block in there somehow, and I'd be good. =P
> God bless,
> Tom

There are those who see the events and emotions of life as defining who they
are, and there are those who see the events and emotions of life as the
inspiration for what is to be.

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