Glad it is working for you. :)

I just updated it to fix the scope of the callback and you can now
pass params just like you can with animate. Check the new test page to

Brandon Aaron

On 5/24/07, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon, you're a total lifesaver :)

On May 24, 2:41 pm, "Brandon Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just updated the test to include an empty selector as well.
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> On 5/24/07, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here is a pretty quick and dirty implementation of an fxqueue:
> >
> > You can see the test page here:
> >
> > And I just checked it into the plugins SVN.
> >
> > Let me know if it works, doesn't work ... etc. :)
> > --
> > Brandon Aaron
> > On 5/24/07, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I've already posted on this topic before, but I really am gettign
> > > quite desperate as the project deadline looms and I still don't have a
> > > solution.
> > > I need several animations to happen, but I need them to happen in
> > > sequence rather than all at once (first animation: hide unselected
> > > items.  Second animation: Move visible items to new locations to
> > > occupy space taken by unselected items/make space for currently hidden
> > > selected items. Third animation: Reveal currently hidden selected
> > > items).
> > > I tried using the callback method, but this has a serious drawback for
> > > my purposes, in that if one of the animations in the chain doesn't
> > > occur (because no items were unselected but some new ones were
> > > selected, for example) then all subsequent animations don't occur
> > > either.  If a jQuery selector returns 0 results then applied effects
> > > aren't executed.
> > > What I need is some code that will ececute my animations one after the
> > > other, but which doesn't depend on all animations in the chain being
> > > triggered for the subsequent animations to play.  Is there a plugin
> > > for doing this? Or is it slated as a new feature for jQuery?  Or has
> > > anyone else come up with a solution to the problem?
> > > Sorry to keep asking this but like I said, it's getting pretty urgent.

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