
On May 22, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Mike Chabot wrote:

I have a simple function to capture the OnChange event of a drop-down
select box. In MSIE, it works as expected, but Firefox gets caught in
an infinite loop. Has anyone else seen this problem? I have a counter
to track the problem. In MSIE, the counter goes up by 1 for every
change. In Firefox, the counter jumps by 21 with every change. I guess
21 is some recursive limit inside of Firefox.

jQuery 1.1.2 and ASP.NET 2.0.

var count=0;
$(document).ready(function() {
  var selectBox = "$<%= Me.FormView1.ClientId %>_ddlTestList";
      function() {
        count = count + 1;
        $("#countId").text("count: " + count);

Are you using your scroll wheel or arrow keys to select from the menu? I've noticed that ie doesn't fire the change event until you tab out of the select while firefox fires the onchange event every time you make a new selection (at least on my mac) You can save yourself a lot of debugging time by using the firebug firefox extension.


Roger Roelofs

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