Sure Dan. This is only a test to show for the list.  ;-)

In the real world I'll return information about client accounts. When user
inserts account data I'll validate(before he/she fills 65 fields), if that
account inserted already exists in database. If exists I'll block submit
button. So simple!


2007/5/25, Dan G. Switzer, II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>I'll need to test an ajax post to validate if an account already exists
>database. I'm using this code in action page:
><cfsetting showdebugoutput="no">
><cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace = "yes" pageencoding="ISO-8859-

><cfheader charset="iso-8859-1" name="Expires"
><cfcontent reset="true" type="text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1">
><cfset rndTest = RandRange(90,99)>
><cfif rndTest MOD 2>
>    <cfoutput>#rndTest#</cfoutput>
><cfelse>              <<<<<<<<<< LOOK HERE WITHOUT CFOUTPUT
>    no
>Using that script returns(randomly) the "no" with 5 chars(maybe because
><tab> for tags alignment). Including "no" inside <cfoutput returns 3. Why

>CF doesn't works properly removing whitespace?

To answer your specific question, it's probably because when compiling to
byte code, the suppress whitespace will look at the tag structure of:

><cfif rndTest MOD 2>
>    <cfoutput>

And decide it's safe to remove that whitespacing, as it's most likely for
code formatting. However, with the statement:

>    no

The formatting before the word "no" could be intended. The bottom line is
the suppresswhitespace option has to be conservative, to avoid removing
whitespacing that is necessary.

I think your best option is to rethink you're output a bit. If you revise
your code a bit, it will reduce the code and fix the problem. It'll also
speed things up:

<cfsetting showdebugoutput="no">

<cfset rndTest = RandRange(90,99)>
<cfif (rndTest MOD 2) eq 0>
        <cfset rndTest = "no" />


Quite frankly, I'm not sure why you're outputting what you are, but I'll
assume you have a reason.


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