And of course, now I can't seem to duplicate this.

On 5/25/07, Su <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Klaus, I can't follow everything in your explanation below, but it sounds
a lot more complicated than something I just noticed.

Rodrigo's TB declaration reads:
$('div.slot a').thickbox();
...and that applies exactly to the original link in the actual HTML. Also,
if I make a copy of the original div, both of the original HTML links
continue working, though the JS-generated links fail, as has been shown.

When the "add a trigger" link creates a new one, the div created has /two/
classes "slot new" and these aren the links that produce the empty TB

BUT, I removed the "new" class from the generated links and everything
suddenly worked perfectly.
It doesn't actually explain anything directly, but it does seem wrong.
From what I can gather of your comments, what I just described shouldn't
have fixed the problem.

On 5/25/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Rodrigo, it's inline content, right?
> What currently happens is this: When opening the Thickbox this content
> gets captured in a closure and never gets reappended back to its
> original location - it is appended to the modal with appendTo, e.g. it
> is moved in the DOM. But when the modal gets closed it is emptied
> without restoring the content to its origin.
> If you then add another Thickbox handler which refers to the same
> content, this content is already empty if you've opened the Thickbox
> with that content before from another handler.
> I don't want to clone the content, because I want to preserve existing
> event handlers. I didn't restore the content, because (until now) it
> worked the way it is, so I was fine with it. I have never thought about
> the case you're talking of, so I will have to think of a way to solve
> this.
> I guess I need to restore the content when closing the Thickbox...
> -- Klaus

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