On 5/25/07, Daemach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
tableFilter can do a multi-column sort on an 800-row table in under
60ms - it takes a bit longer to move the table rows around :)

Ah, well that's great news. I agree that manipulating the DOM is what
takes a while. It sounds like you are rearranging all 800 rows. If
this is the case, then since tableFilter has pagination, why not just
"create/display" 1 page worth of rows. That way even a 5000 element
table won't be a big deal.

I'm considering adding the ability to generate a table on the fly from
a JSON recordset, but only if there is some interest in that.

Also, I can think of many examples where this would be helpful. I
personally would love the feature.

Keep up the great work.


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