Thanks Eric, it works.

But this has a limitation, I can only have one time duration for both
animation. I need to create different animation speed. Funny thing is
that have always had thing stating simultaneously and I have use call
backs to make one start after other but in this combination it is
happening opposite of what I want to do.

On May 26, 2:43 am, "Erik Beeson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about:
> $("#transbox").animate({height:0,opacity:0.1},1000);
> --Erik
> On 5/25/07, joomlafreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Most of the time I want to have two animations after one aother and I
> > can fet it by using call back. But for something I am writing I want
> > two animation namely height and opacity occurring together on an
> > element to create a curtain like effect but whatever I tried it seems
> > one animation completes before other starts.
> > Can someone please educate me as to how I can achieve it?
> > for simplest code if I say
> > $("#transbox").animate({height:0},1000)
> > $("#transbox").animate({opacity:0.1},1000);
> > or
> > $("#transbox").animate({height:0},3000).animate({opacity:0.1},1000);
> > but none does what I intend it to do.

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