We don't support any declarations that the browser itself doesn't
support. However, there are plugins (lots of them) that solve lots of
different problems. There are several plugins that handle rounded
corners. Here is one of them: http://www.malsup.com/jquery/corner/

Brandon Aaron

On 5/28/07, pd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All

I know I'm dreaming and it's probably not realistic but on the front
of the jQuery site is the following proclamation:

"CSS3 Compliant
ยท Supports CSS 1-3 and basic XPath"

Should that proclamation really say "CSS3 Compliant (selectors)
because AFAIK jQuery doesn't appear to support any CSS3 declarations
like border-radius for example.

I understand there are a thousand and one whacky ways for JS to
manipulate the DOM into presenting rounded corners and this is
generally a bad thing in terms of separation of content and style. Has
jQuery ever considered implementing one of these or are they just
really too evil?

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