I made a simple port of Ext.Template [1] / Ext.MasterTemplate [2] to
be used with jQuery, removing Ext dependencies and so. The result is
tiny - 2,4KB packed, and given that it can make other codes smaller, I
think it is worth. Here's the code (feedback appreciated, I'm not a
javascript master! ;):


I still have three global functions while I'm looking for alternatives
in the jQuery world. I'm looking for something that helps extending
classes / overriding class members in jQuery or any jQuery
plugin/utility. Something like the extend() function in YUI or Ext. Is
there any?


[1] http://extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/output/Ext.Template.html
[2] http://extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/output/Ext.MasterTemplate.html


Usage (based on Ext.MasterTemplate docs):

   var t = new $.MasterTemplate(
       '<select name="{name}">',
           '<tpl name="options"><option value="{value}">{text}</option></tpl>',
   t.add('options', {value: 'foo', text: 'bar'});

   // or you can add multiple child elements in one shot
   t.fill('options', [
       {value: 'foo', text: 'bar'},
       {value: 'foo2', text: 'bar2'},
       {value: 'foo3', text: 'bar3'}

   // then append applying the master template values
   $(document.body).append(t.apply({name: 'my-select'}));

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