You are absolutely right Richard. I can't believe I didn't remember
that because I just re-read Peter-Paul Koch's entire events section
over at Quirksmode just a few weeks ago. Thank you for being my
"second set of eyes" in this case.

Greatly appreciated my friend!

On May 30, 9:16 am, "Richard D. Worth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/30/07, Stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to bind a keypress event handler to the input element in
> > the last cell of a table row. In the real application this will be
> > used to check for a tab key and call a function to add another row to
> > the table. I have it working in FF but apparently the keypress event
> > never gets bound in IE 6 or 7.
> The problem is not that the event doesn't get bound in IE, it's that IE
> doesn't fire keypress for the TAB key. See:
> You'll want to use keydown instead. For more info, see:
> - Richard D. Worth

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