The $ is just an alias for jQuery. That means you can use jQuery() instead
of $(). Or you could even create a different alias like this.

var $j = jQuery;

Then you can use $j() instead of $().

And just to be safe you might want to call jQuery.noConflict() to restore
the $ back to its original owner.

I just re-opened up my blog with a post about this yesterday.

Brandon Aaron

On 5/30/07, MrNase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just released a Farbtastic Widget on

During the creation of the Widget, the website allows you to specify
parameters. They all look like:

var userlanguage = ${config.userlanguage};

Here is the problem: Because of the $, jQuery doesn't work anymore.

Is there a way to fix it? Their help says:

These parameters are passed via the query string:

How (besides $()) can I access the parameters?

(The Url to the widget is:

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