It depends on how you use it.
jQuery itself is ignored by search engines.  However, let's say you use
$("div").load("footer.htm") and the footer has a bunch of links.  The search
engines would ignore jQuery because they do not run javascript and would not
load the footer.  This means that those links would not contribute to your
page rank.

If you use it just to manipulate CSS, or for animation effects then it would
have no impact.  Make sure your links are traditional <a href="">
structure.  If you use jQuery's click() function then that link would also
not be picked up.

Otherwise, XHTML is totally based on your html structure and not changed by
jQuery.  It is SEO friendly as long as you use it in an SEO friendly way.

Hope this helps you,


On 5/31/07, Jared Ritchey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I did a lot of research and still cant find any references to SEO and
SEF related details. Does jQuery toss errors in XHTML validators?  Is
it SEO friendly?

~ Jared

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