Also, Christian Bach posted a "wrapInner" plugin back in February:

Here is the new version.

jQuery.fn.wrapInner = function(o) {
    return this.each(function(){
                 var jQ = jQuery(this);
                 var c = jQ.html();

$("p").wrapInner({el: '<a href="";>', id: 'a'});

<p>I will become a link to</p>

<p><a href="";>I will become a link to</ a></p>

And George Adamson wrote this in March:

wrap() and innerWrap() are available for adding html around elements but
this little plugin wraps html around text nodes:

For example:
 jQuery code: $("LI INPUT").wrapText("<LABEL/>")
 Before: "<li><input/>some text</li>"
 After:   "<li><input/><label>some text</label></li>"

Note: This ignores empty text nodes or those containing just white space.
Also ignores text in any child elements.

I hope it is useful for some of you!

(Tested in IE6, FF2.0.0.1, Opera9.10)

// Plugin to wrap html around all non-empty text nodes within an element:
(ignores text in child elements)
// By George Adamson,, March 2007.
jQuery.fn.wrapText = function(html){
  return this.each(function(){

        $(this.childNodes).filter("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").each(function(){
                if($.trim(this.nodeValue).length > 0)


Karl Swedberg

On Jun 2, 2007, at 12:53 AM, Brandon Aaron wrote:

I've needed this myself and have seen this come up on the list a few times. Although, the jQuery core makes this pretty easy to accomplish ... it should involve less typing and be more explicit. I've gone ahead and created a proper jQuery.fn.innerWrap method. It works much the same way wrap does ... just does it on the inside instead of outside. :)

You can find the source and example here: jquery/snippets/innerWrap/

Brandon Aaron

On 6/1/07, WPWOW <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

i want to turn
<a href="#">test</a>
<a href="#"><span>test</span></a>



doesnt work because of the open tag. the first span is closed and the
second span is thrown away. (this quality should be noted in the docs,
i think.)


would apply content to the outside of the link


html() breaks chaining

which leaves us with

$('a').each(function(){ $(this).html('<span>'+ $(this).html() +'</
span>') });

surely there is a less ugly way, or no?

if not, i would like to propose something along the lines of
innerWrap(). same as wrap() but applies content to inside of element.

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