Thanks for the suggestions Erik but with IE6 still making up a
substantial market share, I'd like to cater for it as well as possible
(call me a masochist, you will not get much argument!).

Anyone else have a definitive answer on this one?

On Jun 4, 4:53 pm, "Erik Beeson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pretty sure you don't get repeating transparent png backgrounds in
> IE6. Use a GIF, or a really big repeating background image, or use
> layers without backgrounds.
> Personally, I just use a GIF and have a little "upgrade to make it not
> look like ass" banner. A GIF version is easy to add with conditional
> comments too, so you don't have to dirty up your code with too many
> IE6 hacks.
> --Erik
> On 6/3/07, pd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello
> > I've been trying to implement this 'plugin' 'hack':
> >
> > to get a repeated background effect in IE6 and decent browsers.
> > It appears this plugin does not work with repeated background PNG
> > images. Instead the image is shown just once.
> > Can anybody confirm this as a limitation/bug?
> > Does anyone have an alternative hack (preferably jQuery based) that
> > can achieve repeated background PNG images?

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