A suggestion would be to transform this plugin into one more "unobstrusive" or "accesible". I mean, in HTML exists already a way for "Multi selection" (in fact, two ways) in a form:

   * Using HTML INPUT type "checkboxes"
   * Using HTML multiple"Select" with one or more rows visible...

Ok, then this plugin should convert any of them into a two multiple select HTML where one copies elements/options to the other (so this metaphor its more usable and visual than previous HTML methods) and blah, blah, (your plugin behavior...)

So, if no javascript is permited in client browser, at least the multiple selection exists in the FORM, and if javascript is activated a jquery plugin convert it into a more usable/visual widget form.
What do you think?

Enrique Meléndez Estrada (2367)
Servicios Informáticos
Organización y Servicios Internos
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón

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