A good place to start here would be to wrap your DOM elements in $(), so it would look like this:

var htmlW = $('<div id="'+windowId+'" class="window"><div class="windowTop"><div class="windowTopContent">Window example</ div><img src="images/window_min.jpg" class="windowMin" /><img src="images/window_max.jpg" class="windowMax" /><img src="images/ window_close.jpg" class="windowClose" /></div><div class="windowBottom"><div class="windowBottomContent">&nbsp;</div></ div><div class="windowContent"><p>bla 1</p><p>bla 2</p><p>bla 3</p></ div><img src="images/window_resize.gif" class="windowResize" /></div>');

then call your createWindow function within document.ready:


Karl Swedberg

On Jun 4, 2007, at 12:34 PM, radzio wrote:

I'm making js script which allows to create div floating windows. I
want to use jQuery + interface but I met with difficulties. I create
html code with js:
function createWindow()
                var windowId = '#test';
                var htmlW = '<div id="'+windowId+'" class="window"><div
class="windowTop"><div class="windowTopContent">Window example</
div><img src="images/window_min.jpg" class="windowMin" /><img
src="images/window_max.jpg" class="windowMax" /><img src="images/
window_close.jpg" class="windowClose" /></div><div
class="windowBottom"><div class="windowBottomContent">&nbsp;</div></
div><div class="windowContent"><p>bla 1</p><p>bla 2</p><p>bla 3</p></
div><img src="images/window_resize.gif" class="windowResize" /></

        if($(windowId).css('display') == 'none') {

Unfortunately it doesn't work ;/ I read about $(document).ready
%28%29) and ... Is there any chance to generate html code in js then
append it to body and add effects etc. to it?

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