> That problem that is fixed by using straight DOM code for creating the
> object and param elements.

Well, this is the first time I've tried making elements using straight
DOM code in JS. This is what I coded:

<script type="text/javascript">
        var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
        var movieBuild = document.createElement("object");
        if($.browser.msie) {
                var paramSrc = document.createElement("param");
                paramSrc.setAttribute("value", "serve/sample.mov");
        } else {
                movieBuild.setAttribute("type", "video/quicktime");
                movieBuild.setAttribute("data", "serve/sample.mov");
        } // if
        movieBuild.setAttribute("width", "500");
        movieBuild.setAttribute("height", "500");

        var paramControl = document.createElement("param");
        paramControl.setAttribute("controller", "true");
        var paramAuto = document.createElement("param");
        paramAuto.setAttribute("autoplay", "false");

        // movieBuild.appendChild(paramControl);
        // movieBuild.appendChild(paramAuto);

Once again, Firefox works as expected. In IE, though, I'm getting an
empty ActiveX control -- no errors. I've played around (and tried an
IE-only version) to no avail. Like I said, this is my first time doing
something like this, so I have no idea if what I'm doing is even
entirely rational.

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