Hi there,
I am getting a strange behavior in IE 6 and 7 where not only do I lose
my CSS styling in the replaced DIV but some of the jQuery swap classes
code no longer works after an ajax form is submitted. I am using
jQuery Forms to post the data and use the exact same approach on the
same page with a different form with no trouble.

Works fine in Safari, and FF, though I do see my styled Form submit
button do a little hop in FF when the div is refreshed (this does not
happen in my other successful form post.)

Best to see by example I guess:

1. Goto http://beta.bigblackbag.net/client_admin/nav_level.asp
2. Click Level1Page1 in the first Nav Window you see
3. Click on 'Edit' when it appears
4. In the following pop-up, under the Page Settings tab (the default),
make some changes and press update - this should work with no problem.
5. Now click on the second tab in the pop-up labeled Page Design
6. Make some changes and click update - You should see the problem
here. The styling will disappear in the form and you will no longer be
able to select a page layout.

The code that is spit back is the identical server side code that
generates the form in the first place. There should be no difference
between the pre-post state and the post-post state except for the data

Please let me know if you require any more info. The source code
should suffice I think. Thanks for your help!!

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