Hi all.
I've made a little website for some friends and, on that specific page
http://www.modostudio.net/projects.html i used the tableSorter plugin
to display their works.

I want investigate on the weird error that pops up in firebug with
firefox If you got firebug installed do that:

1) click on "KKKT - International port terminal - Klaipeda" link or
row to view the project*.
*I assigned the HREF .attr('href') of each link to a function, so you
can change page by cklicking either on the link or the single project
The "KKKT..." loads and your mouse pointer should be OVER a flash
Now move your mouse OUTSIDE flash, the error pops up up in firebug.
Says "jQuery is not defined".
To me it is something related to mouseover-mouseout and flash.

2) Clic on "Parco di Valle Mentuccia". The project is locaded on the
LAST row so when that new page loads, YOUR mouse should be OUSIDE
flash, over some text in a paragraph. Firebug now DO NOT displays ANy

Who knows why?
On IE6 and 7 it is OK. Even in mozilla works perfectly but the
annoying weird error in firebug is always there.
Any help?
I thought would be nicer to embed dinamically flash with jquery and
maybe that would solve the 'problem'.


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