
I'm not sure exactly what is happening here. One thing that stood out as I looked at your example using firebug was that you are applying the jScrollPane to the tbody. This means that a div gets inserted into the table between the table and tbody tags. To be honest, I'm surprised it's working at all! Can you apply the jScrollPane to the table itself? Or even wrap the table in a div with a height and overflow style and apply the jScrollPane to this. Oh - I just see you tried with a div as well...

Secondly, your returned table's tbody has the same id as the table already in your page. An id should always be unique in your document.

Thirdly, you don't seem to be re-executing the jScrollPane call after each ajax load. You need to re-execute jScrollPane whenever the contents of your page changes...

Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

steve love wrote:
Hi all. I've got a table with 18 rows that I'm forcing to scroll along
the y axis. I'd like to be able to theme the scroll bar using
jScrollPane, but I'm having an issue with loaded content. It works as
expected when the functions are called on the same page as the table,
but when I insert the table from another page with .load, the
jScrollPaneContainer div is hidden.

<a href="http://www.stevelove.org/example/";>Here's a link</a> to an

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