> Cool, looks like you have it working.

Well, here's a couple notes in conclusion.

My original problem was this: when embedding a QuickTime object in IE,
if you remove the DOM object that contains the QuickTime, then try to
make the exact same DOM object with a new QuickTime, the QuickTime
control bar fails to appear.

An attempt was made to avoid jQuery, and remove/add the QuickTime DOM
objects directly with JS, hoping that this would solve the problem.

Sadly, after two days of attacking the DOM, I found that the problem
still exists.

Thankfully, I found a workaround. It's a bad workaround, but it works,
it's reliable, and, well, it's the ONLY thing I've seen that's
working: I put the QuickTime in an iframe. Which makes me feel a
little dirty. But that iframe can be added and removed a thousand
times over, and IE properly kills the QuickTime when the iframe is

So, I'm willing to call this case closed. A little disappointing, but

Thanks for all your help, Mike. This is part of a project that's going
to see some widespread use, and I'll make sure you get some
troubleshooting credit.


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