
You can call ajaxSubmit from the anchor's click handler, but in
general this is not a good way to submit forms because it won't work
when JavaScript is disabled.  It makes more sense to use a button
element and then style it using CSS so that it looks like a text link
if that's what your UI requires.

Also, if what you have is a page with a form per comment, one way to
refactor that would be to have only a single form.  Then in your loop
you would add a submit button for each comment and give that button a
unique value (commentid).  For example:

<form action="delete_comment.php" method="post" id="comments">
<?php  // loop over comments ?>
   <button type="submit" name="deletecomment"
value="<?=$comment['commentid']?>">Delete this comment?</button>
<?php // end loop ?>

Only the submit button that is clicked will be submitted with the form
so on the server you have easy access to the comment to be deleted:

$delComment = $_POST['deletecomment'];

And this would work well with ajaxForm.  But this is just off the top
of my head so it may not fit well with how your page is structured.
Food for thought I guess.



On 6/8/07, Ken Iovino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm wondering if it's possible to use a text link to submit a form
that has a unique id? I'm using the Official form plug in (http:// which is great, aside from me not being
able to figure this out. (=

Here is the code I'm using

<php start loop>
<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
                target: '#editor-response',
                success: function() {

<form action="ajax/delete_comment.php" method="post" id="deleteForm<?=
        <input type="hidden" name="do" name="deletecomment">
        <a id="#deleteComment<?=$comment['commentid']?>" class="deletlink"
title="Delete this comment?" href="javascript:;">delete?</a>
</php end loop>

I was using this as the link <a
$comment['commentid']?>)"> but it wasn't allowing the form plug-in to
recognize it.

Also, I'm wondering if there a more efficient way to do this.
Currently the JavaScript is inside a php loop and each comment has
it's own unique id. Thanks!

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