
>I see the problem.  It's an issue with how the success handler is
>called from the form plugin.  When you specify a target element the
>success callback is being invoked once for every matching element.
>This is not correct and I will need to fix it.  In the meantime, you
>can mod your code like this to get around the problem:

To me, it would seem to make some sense that the "success" would run for
each target. However, it should receive a pointer to the current target.

$(document).ready(function() {
                target: '#oblist , #oblistt',
                success: function(current) { 

So basically the success callback would be triggered for each target, with a
pointer to this being passed as an argument. Essentially it would run like
the each() method.

I guess you could make an argument doing it either way...


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