$(function(){ //shortcut for $(document).ready(){fn}
 $("#nav > li").hover(function(){

2007/6/14, Charlie Concepcion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Ok I am new to this so here's my old code:

$("#nav > li").mouseover(function(){

I need that in hover version. I'm assuming it's supposed to be much

On Jun 14, 4:57 pm, "Rafael Santos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think u can use both, hover and mouseover. jQuery uses javascript to
> it.
> 2007/6/14, Charlie Concepcion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I'm new to jQuery and I have to say I love it! I hate javascript but
> > now I like it cuz of query.  Anyways enough of that :)
> > I'm a CSS developer also. I know that the :hover pseudo element
> > doesn't work in IE 6 so I always have to use javascript using
> > mouseover/mouseout events.
> > My question is, in jQuery is hover using the CSS or using acting as a
> > backend mouseover event?
> > Final question... what should i use hover or mouseover... making sure
> > it works on IE7, Firefox and IE6.
> > Thanks!
> --
> Rafael Santos Sá :: webdeveloperwww.rafael-santos.com

Rafael Santos Sá :: webdeveloper

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