Hi Klaus

> Betreff: [jQuery] Re: different name and id issue?

> This is a known IE bug. Id and the name attribute share the 
> same namespace in IE giving you the (unexpected) result 
> you're talking of (getElementById gives you the first 
> occurence of an element with the given id or name). I wonder 
> what the developers were thinking...
> jQuery has fixed this by the way when using an id selector.

I didn't except anything else ;-)
> > id="form-widgets-lastname" name="form.widgets.lastname""
> > 
> > Is this acceptable or is there any reason using another naming 
> > convention for element ids and names?
> I haven't seen periods in name attributes yet, but they are 
> allowed per HTML spec. Another option would be to use the underscore:
> id="form-widgets-lastname" name="form_widgets_lastname"
> What is more important is to avoid that a name attribute 
> matches an id, which both variants do provide.

That's good to know.

Thanks a lot Klaus

Roger Ineichen

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