I'm a raw newbie but have not found this particular question answered.

I have a series of dynamically generated radios each of which has
three possible values Y (yes) N (no) and M (maybe) and want to capture
mouse clicks and act on them depending on the value

for example

<td><input type="radio" name="Radio1" id="Radio1Y" value="Y" CHECKED></
                <td><input type="radio" name="Radio1"  id="Radio1N" value="N" 
                <td><input type="radio" name="Radio1"  id="Radio1M" value="M" 

The following code placed in the ready function works fine.

if ($(this).val()=="Y")
$('#alert').text("val was yes for "     );
if ($(this).val()=="N")
$('#alert').text("val was No");
$('#alert').text("val was Maybe");

But what I want to do is pass to the name of the radio in the text
line (or ultimately to a php for acting upon).

Ultimately what I am seeking to do is to pass the value and the name
of the control to the PHP which will execute some SQL and return an OK


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