On Jun 17, 2:52 pm, "Scottus " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using
> var title = document.getElementsByTagName('title').item(0).innerHTML;
> to get the content of a pages title tag.
> But if the page has no title tag I get
> "Error: document.getElementsByTagName("title").item(0) has no properties"
> and the script craps out.
> any ideas about how to deal with this ?

An HTML document without a title element is invalid.  Christopher has
given you a jQuery answer, a generic answer is that if you try to get
a property of an object that doesn't exist your script will error.  If
you want a belt & braces approach, try something like:

 var o;
 if ( document &&
      document.getElementsByTagName &&
      (o = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]) &&
      (typeof o.text == 'string') )
    alert('The document title is: ' + o.title);

Or if you like being a little more risque, try:

  alert( document.title );


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