There is also Brandon's fxQueue

It executes the stuff you want one at a time.  Really small plugin.


On 6/18/07, Jake McGraw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your problem is that each of those functions is fired right after each
other, there is no pause, so, you start fading in, set opacity (still
fading in), start fading out (still fading in). All of this takes
place in a matter of milliseconds, so it will look like nothing is

Why not try using callbacks (which don't fire until the given function
is complete):

      /* this refers to "#kontaktdaten" in callback scope */

- jake
On 6/18/07, tlob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hy, I'm stuck inthe simple things. Sorry for the beginner question:
> I want to show a div#kontaktdaten when I click a special link#kdetails
> [code]
> $(document).ready(
>                            function(){
>                                    $("#kdetails").bind("click",
>                                         .fadeIn("slow")
>                                         .animate({opacity: 1.0}, 10000)
>                                         .fadeOut("slow");
>                                         return false;
>                                    });
>                    });
> <a href="javascript:;" id="#kdetails">kontakt</a>
> <div id="kontaktdaten">
> blabla
> </div>
> [/code]
> I mix things totaly up, didnt I? But I'm not able to see the wood,
> because of the trees....

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