Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ schrieb:
I don't see a charset there....

what do you mean ?

what is the server putting in for it???

if i use the ä it's in there when looking at my js directly. but in the brwoser there's a "�" (a black diamond with a questionmark in it, just in case this doesn't come through) ...

php isn't very clever with utf, so you have to be very careful!

well i don't use php to get those umlauts in there. it's in my js.

a live link would help to see the headers and the encoding!!

i'll see what i can do there, at the moment it's pw-secured, cause it's a backend i'm working on.

i'll have a closer look now at php, cause i guess you're right php screws my js up.



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