
That is an excellent suggestion. I didn't give actual source in the
example, but it turns out that each of the selects and inputs have
unique numbered "name" attributes already, e.g., name="serial-304".
The numeric part correspond to keys in the db backend. So I can either
add a redundant id attribute or just lookup based on $

re: not using .val

For some reason I thought that had been deprecated when .id and .name
were. Thanks for pointing out that it still exists.

On Jun 21, 2:29 am, "Rob Desbois" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would suggest making all of these items related via numeric IDs, you then
> dispose with having to traverse up and back down the DOM to find the related
> elements:
> <tr>
> >  <td>
> >    <select id="select_1">...</select>
> >  </td>
> >  <td>
> >    <input id="text_1a" type="text" ... />
> >  </td>
> >  <td>
> >    <input id="text_1b" type="text" ... />
> >  </td>
> >  <td>
> >    <input id="text_1c" type="text" ... />
> >  </td>
> >  <td>
> >    ...
> >  </td>
> > </tr>
> > // Update 2nd column <input> with new_value.
> > // $(this) is the select in the first row cell.
> > var index = /select_(\d+)/.exec([1];  // Get the number from the
> > ID. There is no checking if it doesn't match.
> > var new_value = $(this).val();
> > $("text_"+index+"a").val(new_value);
> Incidentally, as I've used here, the .val() function is a handy shortcut for
> .attr("val", ...)
> I don't know what the speed difference is here but I'm guessing it'll be
> pretty good.
> HTH,
> --rob
> On 6/21/07, Brad Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Imagine a table row like this
> > <tr>
> >   <td>
> >     <select>...</select>
> >   </td>
> >   <td>
> >     <input type="text" ... />
> >   </td>
> >   <td>
> >     <input type="text" ... />
> >   </td>
> >   <td>
> >     <input type="text" ... />
> >   </td>
> >   <td>
> >     ...
> >   </td>
> > </tr>
> > Depending on the select option I need to modify or clear values in the
> > text inputs in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cells.
> > I find that this code works, but suspect there may be a better way to
> > achieve the same result with less code?
> > // Update 2nd column <input> with new_value.
> > // $(this) is the select in the first row cell.
> > $
> > (this).parent('td').parent('tr').children('td').eq(1)children('input').attr("value",new_value);
> > Since I'll be updating various cells I suppose this helps, but again
> > suspect there is a better way.
> > var cells = $(this).parent('td').parent('tr').children('td');
> > cells.eq(1).children('input').attr("value",new_value_1);
> > cells.eq(3).children('input').attr("value",new_value_2);
> > cells.eq(4).children('input').attr("value",new_value_3);
> > Thanks
> > Brad
> --
> Rob Desbois
> Tel: 01452 760631
> Mob: 07946 705987
> "There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish" he cried, and the
> whale was in full view.
> ...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

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