it sounds like you are saying to bind on every keypress.
What is the kind of event you are looking to bind?

Does it make sense to wait until you blur from the textbox to bind?  It
might create alot of browser churn otherwise.


On 6/21/07, Christopher Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi folks,

I've got the need to bind a function to the keyDown for some specific
elements. The problem I think I have is that those elements don't start
off on the page. The elements get added as the user types, so I need to
bind the event to the element when it's put on screen. What I *thought*
I'd do was write a function that searched for all the elements of the
type that I want to bind (text boxes in this case), and further retrieve
only those elements which haven't already been bound.

Firstly, does this seem like the right approach, and secondly is there a
way to determine what is currently bound to an element or somehow
include in my selector that I don't want element that already have x
bound to them?

I appreciate any help I can get.



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