> What OS?

Mac OS X <http://www.apple.com/macosx/>

> What IDE or editor?

Eclipse <http://www.eclipse.org/> with the following plugins:
        - Aptana <http://www.aptana.com/>
        - Subclipse <http://subclipse.tigris.org/>
        - Lasso Studio <http://www.lassosoft.com/Products/LassoStudioEclipse/
        - SQLExplorer <http://www.sqlexplorer.org/>

BBEdit <http://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/>

> What backend language, if any (php, asp, cf, ruby, java, etc)?

Lasso <http://www.lassosoft.com/>
Python <http://www.python.org/>

> What framework, if any (cake, symfony, rails, struts, etc)?


> Any other significant components (persistence layer, database, etc)?

Database: MySQL <http://www.mysql.com/>
SCM: Subversion <http://subversion.tigris.org/>

> Anything else of interest?

Other javascript components we regularly use:
        - FCKEditor <http://www.fckeditor.net/>
        - Dean Edwards' IE7 <http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/>
        - Objecty <http://wiltgen.net/objecty/>

- jason

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