Dimitii -

Those results are really interesting - you should post them to the jQuery
Dev list (where we discuss issues like selector speed).

More information about the list can be found here:


On 6/22/07, Dmitrii 'Mamut' Dimandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 The original is in Russian:

Here's a quick translation:
We've hit a problem where getElementById is working slowly on a _very_
large page

After some research we've found out some interesting facts

- Speed of getElementById depends on the length of ids. Tests have shown
that for two identical documents, one with ids like aXXXX, another with ids
like ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааХХХХ, the speed of getElementById would
differ by a factor of two. This is especially important for ASP.NET pages
which usually have long ids

- There are fast methods and slow methods:
-- Fast
---- parentNode
---- nextSibling
---- ownerDocument
---- firstChild
-- Slow
---- previousSibling
---- getElementById
---- lastChild

The getElemenByTagName has a paradox. It returns the list of elements very
quickly. However, access to elements from that list is very slow. It feels
as if it were returning a proxy of sorts.

In a large tree it's faster to collect a hash of all element ids than use
getElementById. This may look like this:

function build_document_id_map()
   var r = document;
   map = {}
   build_id_map( r, map )
   return map

function build_id_map( node, map )
   for ( var e = node.firstChild; e != null; e = e.nextSibling )
       if ( e.id ) map[ e.id ] = e;
       if (e.firstChild ) build_id_map( e, map )

var cache;
function get_element_by_id( id )
if ( !cache )
    cache = build_document_id_map(id)
return cache[id];


To test this, you may use the test I wrote:

For each type of element access the test prepares test data anew and runs
the test three times. These three times appear in the table in milliseconds

*getDocumentById -* find all nodes through getDocumentById

*getDocumentById2 -* same, but after the test is run there is a small DOM
manipulation in the end. See below for explanation of the test.

*get_element_by_id* -  find all nodes using the get_element_by_id
described above. The ids cache is cleared every time before the test is run.

*get_element_by_id2* -  same, but the cache is not cleared. Expect to see
speed increase in the second and the third run.
Here's the table of results for my FF:
[image: Test results for FF]

Note that FF caches results of getDocumentById and in the first test the
second and the third pass are much faster than the first one. But as soon as
we manipulate the DOM even a little, the cache is reset, as we see it in the
second test

I'm not going to comment on the third and the fourth test, the numbers
speak for themselves. I'm going to talk about disadvantages

The method works well for a static tree. If the tree is being changed,
there's problems with adding/removing elements. The problem of adding
elements can easily be solved by:

function get_element_by_id( id )
if ( !cache )
    cache = build_document_id_map( id )
if( !cache[id] )
    cache[id] = document.getElementById( id );
return cache[id];

Removal of elements in this case can only be done by a special method
which will correct the cache. In this case you can forget about

someElem.innerHTML = "";

if you wish to remove a large portion of the tree

<<inline: test_results.PNG>>

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