Wow, I'm probably going to leave a few of you scratching your heads,
as my backend is pretty rare. Easily less then 1,000 people use it.

OS: Windows XP Professional/2000 server
Editor: Dreamweaver for front end and Microsoft Visual FoxPro backend
Frontend: jQuery/Plain HTML. Firebug for debugging.
Backend: Visual Fox Pro and West Wind Web Connection on MS 2000/2003
server ( and (http://www.west- respectively.
Server-Dell 1U server with Dual Core 2 Duo Procs, 4 GB RAM, 160GB
Dev machine-Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM, 160GB RAIDed HDs,  20 inch widescreen
and 17inch standard screen.

On Jun 21, 5:24 pm, "Erik Beeson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> With jQuery being a front-end library, there's lots of possible
> configurations for the backend and development environment. I thought it
> would be fun if we shared what we use alongside jQuery. Any or all of the
> following...
> About your development environment:
> What OS? What IDE or editor?
> About your server:
> What backend language, if any (php, asp, cf, ruby, java, etc)?
> What framework, if any (cake, symfony, rails, struts, etc)?
> Any other significant components (persistence layer, database, etc)?
> Anything else of interest?
> If enough people use a particular framework or IDE, maybe it would be worth
> looking into building addons for them to help with jQuery integration (like
> jQuery on Rails that's been talked about here before).
> --Erik

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