It's inching its way forward.
It seems though that the further I take this, the more programming is
All these details.  My dream is to have the same syntax as prototype's
lightbox and be able to say

   transitionDuration: 1000,
   easingMethod: method,
   zoomComple: callbackFunction,
   maxScreenSize: 0.9,
   overlayColor: #000000,
   overLayOpacity: 0.8,

And also control the borders, shadows, etc through CSS.
A man has to dream, doesn't he?

Speaking of which, Im going to sleep.


On 6/23/07, Glen Lipka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Working on it.  All these little details.
I have to figure out how to position all this stuff.
Especially to make the image zoom to an appropriate size to the viewport.

On 6/23/07, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glen Lipka wrote:
> > I had a little bit of free time, so I started an "easeBox".  Like
> > thickbox, but with easing transitions.
> >
> Cool. I like it already.
> >
> > I made a list of things I want to do to it on it.
> > Any suggestions to add to the list?
> > Any suggestions of how I could improve the code?
> > I have no idea how to make it into a plugin.
> >
> > Continuing to work on it, but help is greatly appreciated.
> I like to be able to click somewhere in the document to hide any popups.
> Navigating between images should be possible using the cursor keys. Any
> other combination (n, p, ",", ";") seems very unintuitive.
> Navigation images should be always in the same place, eg. lower right
> corner. Posititiong them relative to the image is extremely annoying
> when navigating between images with different sizes. You can't keep
> clicking but have to target the button again and again.
> Presentation wise a greyed out background and think black and white
> borders are very nice. Make it look like a picture frame: Grey
> background, think black border (>30px), thin white border (15-30px).
> D&D and resizable seems to be rather useless as long as you can't open
> more then one image at a time. ... Okay, its currently possible with
> your script, but is that really useful?
> For the gallery stuff I'd like to have one or more callbacks when the
> user opens and closes and cycles between images. That would make it easy
> to add some neat stuff like sounds of a slide projector.
> For making it a plugin: There still is
> available. Its not really
> up-to-date but still a good reference. Apart from that you can learn a
> lot by reading other's code.
> --
> Jörn Zaefferer

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