Oke guys, i thought i'd kick an old topic since i am thinking of
rewriting one of my old plugins a bit to work with the latest version
of jQuery and to incorporate the comments you gave into it.

The original thread is here:

I've renamed the plugin from cssHover to wuWidgets (Webunity Widgets)
since they are more widgets then merely a cssHover-ish implementation.
I will also be adding one new form widget, which i've called the
"Multistate checkbox". The idea for that came from this webpage:

Basicly we'll end up with these controls:
- Checkbox
- Radio button
- Button: normal
- Button: toggle button
- Checkbox: normal
- Checkbox: multiple states

All is unobtrusive offcourse.

If you have any other thoughts, please let me know, i'll try to
implement them.

-- Gilles

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