Very nicely done. I especially like the menu version. You seem to have covered 
all the bases on that one. On the regular accordion version, I think it would 
be best if you could find a way to have auto-resize panels so that text from 
a top panel does not overflow into the panel label of the one below it.

Great job!


On Tuesday 26 June 2007 06:34:32 am Bernd Matzner wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm really excited: My first try at building a jQuery plugin!
> This is another accordion, but in this case, it's designed to open up
> by just moving your mouse over an item, just like on the
> website.
> Can be used together with the excellent hoverIntent plugin to avoid
> accidentally opening an item.
> See
> for instructions and examples.
> Looking forward to your comments,
> Bernd

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