That's just the position of the draggable (which you've called
'droppped'), right? Maybe: $(dropped).css('left') and

Or you could use a function on the onDrag event of the draggable that
updates some local variables to save the last position:
var x;
var y;
 onDrag: function(currentX, currentY) {
   x = currentX;
   y = currentY;

Also, it looks like the current position is stored internally in the
Draggable somewhere. Maybe try one of these:

Good luck with it.


On 6/26/07, Michael Fuerst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there a way to acces the drop-event in "ondrop" in a doppable? I
needs the coordinates to show a popup menue:

$(this).attr('isdropabled', '1').Droppable(
        ondrop                  : function(dropped)
                showPopUpMenu(event, $(dropped).attr('title'), 


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