No real feedback, just a "Great work" pat on the back.  I'd like to see the
TinyMCE implementation (or even a TinyMCE to jQuery re-write).

On 6/27/07, Diego A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a new thread that originates from this one:


As the thread developed I decided to share my solution to the problem
and start a new plugin (work in progress). The thread has been
forgotten over time I decided to start a new thread to gather a little

The plugin: http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/FCKEditor/
The purpose of this plugin is to facilitate the implementation of rich-
text editors with jQuery/Ajax.
The current implementation applies only to FCKEditor, but the
principle would be the same for others such as Codepress (which I use)
and TinyMCE (which was the topic of the original thread).

The next step is,
1. to improve the implementation of the plugin up to jQuery standards
(proper methods, comments)
2. to work out where and how this plugin can integrate with others
(validation plugins, etc) for seamless functionality.

Any feedback will be appreciated.

Benjamin Sterling

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